Friday, March 6, 2020

Romeo and Juliet Essays

Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet essays are hard to write because of the wealth of criticism available online. You may think differently. However, you should not forget that wealth of information leaves little space for your own creative writing. It means that you can hardly write something new when everything has already been written.   Read the following sample essay on Romeo and Juliet.   It is well-written and you will definitely get some interesting ideas out of it. If you are looking for individual help with writing, we offer you to try our custom essay writing services. We are never late with essay delivery and we guarantee quick and adequate revisions. Our writers will not let you down because we value your trust and choice of our writing services! You may also take a look at tips on how to write a good college essay or critical literary essay . In addition, review the following article outlining characteristics of great essays! Romeo and Juliet Essay Sample In Romeo and Juliet, remarks an acute analyst of Shakespeare's symbolism, 'the dominating image is light, every form and manifestation of it'. The tapers and torches that burn for Capulet's ball are put to shame by the flood of moonlight that lies beneath his daughter's window, and 'tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops'; Juliet appears in a brightly-lit casement As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,As is a winged messenger of heavenUnto the white-upturned wondering eyesOf mortals that fall back to gaze on himWhen he bestrides the lazy-passing clouds . . . She compares the shock of Romeo's sudden wild declaration to the effect of a glimmering sheet of summer lightning: ... Although I joy in thee,I have no joy of this contract tonight:It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden,Too like the lightning, which doth cease to beEre one can say 'It lightens' . . . The lovers' moment of happiness ends with the dawn, as 'envious streaks' begin to lace the East, and 'Night's candle s' slowly pale and die; and the beauty and brevity of love itselfthat 'brief light', doomed to quick extinction, celebrated in Catullus' famous lyric-are set off by the 'perpetual darkness' of ancient Capulets' sepulchral vault. Yet Shakespeare's play has its sensuous undertones, and is alive with worldly bustling characters. His wit is seen at its boldest and bawdiest. The opening passage, where Sampson and Gregory, servants of the Capulets, decide to pick a quarrel with the retainers of the Montagues, is already rich in sexual jokes; and Mercutio is a fount of genial obscenities, including one reference so abstrusely phrased that it escapes the average modern reader. 1 Shakespeare's bawdy has often puzzled his critics. Robert Bridges believed that it was imposed on him by his disreputable contemporary audience, 'those wretched beings who can never be forgiven their share in preventing the greatest poet and dramatist of the world from being the best artist'; while Bernard Shaw sugg ested that his 'incorrigible addiction to smutty jokes' was fostered by his snobbish anxiety to resemble a member of the upper classes, the aristocrat, according to Shaw, being always particularly lewd in speech. Shakespeare, however, was representative of his period; and, although the Elizabethans' attitude towards love was not uncomplicated by neurotic feelings-with a pagan delight in the flesh went disgust, remorse and guilty fearthey understood that the Heavenly and the Earthly Venus are twin manifestations of the same divinity, and that, if one is to be properly served, the other must be duly honoured. Romeo and Juliet Essay Custom Writing Did you like the above sample essay?   Do you want to get a unique essay about Romeo and Juliet written especially for you?   We guarantee adequate support and on time delivery of custom written essays. We are ready to write your essay even if your deadline is in less than 12 hours from now! You will be pleasantly surprised with our prices. Is high quality possible at the low price? At our site – yes! Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Essay Romeo and Juliet Essay Act I Scene i 1 . The Capulet servants Sampson and Gregory start a fight with Balthazar and Abraham. Benvolio tried to break up the feud until Tybalt attacks him. 2. Prince Escalus breaks up the feud by threatening everyone with death. 3. Benvolio realizes that Romeos problem is that he is love and tries to find out who it is. Romeo is too stubborn and will not tell who he is in love with. Act I Scene ii 1. Paris asks Lord Capulet for Juliets hand in marriage. 2. Romeo finds out that Rosaline will attend the mask party. 3. Benvolio challenges Romeo to go to the part and compare Rosaline with other women of Verona. Act I Scene iii 1 . Lady Capulet tries to have a civil conversation about marriage with Juliet but Nurse interrupts he with stories of the when Juliet was a toddler. 2. Lady Capulet explains to Juliet that Paris would like to marry her. 3. Juliet abruptly agrees with her mother to get married because she has to and not because that she wants to. Act I Scene iiii 1 . Mercutio tries to persuade Romeo to dance at the mask party but Romeo says that he has too heavy of a soul. 2. Romeo believes that he should not go to the party because of a dream that he had. 3. Mercutio mocks Romeo by talking about Queen Romeo and Juliet shared an immoderate love which moved too fast, the flaws in their personalities changed it to a dangerous love. They were desperate for intense passion; which leads them to impulsively make irreversible decisions. Friar Lawrence noticed their flaws and spontaneous decisions and gave them a meaningful simile describing their love: ‘These violent delights have violent ends, / And in their triumph die like fire and powder,’ (II. vi. 9-10) Within the day Romeo and Juliet are wedded, Romeo’s best friend Mercutio is slain and Juliet’s cousin Tybalt is murdered by her husband Romeo. After those two events, they completely lose control and as teenagers they do not have the mental capacity to undertake thorough reasoning under constant emotional pressure. At this point in the story, when Romeo is banished and Juliet supposedly dead, their love is on thin ice. Their dangerous love, takes the form of impulse. Romeo along with his irrationalism determined the ending, without the slightest consideration his chose death to escape his misfortune, ‘Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. ’ (V. i. 34) Love is the source of all power and happiness, but without each other Romeo and Juliet were lost in their own thoughts. Their passion and love help them overcome many obstacles and their feelings are the strongest when they are together, even denying their family name was not a problem: Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if though wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet. But, when they are separated, one cannot live without the other. Romeo and Juliet find death as escape from their fate; however love was able to soften extreme hardships. Their love was a motivation which assists them to break free from the norm in Verona: But passion lends them power, time means, to meet, Temp’ring extremities with extreme sweet. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare also presents another powerful emotion which juxtapositions with love. Although, love and hate come from different contentions, both these emotions display similar effects on humans. These feelings can provoke humans to lose control, give people unimaginable power and can also blind people from rational judgment. Love not only outshines hate in Romeo and Juliet however, it is also the most complex, powerful and dangerous emotion. Like two sides of a coin, love can be the source of all power and can also be the cause of all misery. Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Paper Romeo and Juliet Paper Literary/Analytical Essay Romeo and Juliet is a play about two silly, immature teenagers who lack common sense. Therefore, the play expresses the danger of a love in which two people become the whole world to one another. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. The two lovers go against their families and against their hate to be together but they dont think about the consequences, which in the end are devastating. Romeo and Juliet engage in a love that they believe is the one true love. They dont even know each other and dont know each others personality so they can only be attracted sexually. Instead of taking things slowly and getting to know each other or on the other hand engage in a type of relationship just to satisfy each others desires they act like they have known each other for a long time and that they cant live one without the other. At the start of the play we see that Romeo is in love with Roseline a nd that he o! nly talks about her but when he meets Juliet at the party he totally forgets Roseline and falls in love with Juliet. Friar Laurence clearly states this to Romeo: Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? Young mens love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. This is exactly how Romeo behaves. Juliet on the other hand had to marry Count Paris so her love with Romeo is simply a way to get out of it. She never had a relationship with a man and she didnt like to have herfirst and only relationship with a man her parents arranged for her. She wanted freedom and Romeo was her ticket to it. During the story Romeo and Juliet convince them selves to be in love with each other and they become obsessed, not with the love for each other, but with the fact of being in love with each other. Young people like to do forbidden things it gives them a feeling of exhilaration and freedom a Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Paper Romeo and Juliet Paper Essay Topic: Thirteen Reasons Why Romeo and Juliet is probably one of Shakespeares most well known stories about two start crossed lovers dying tragically after a series of unfortunate events. There may be many causes to these deaths but I believe that the nurse and friar are two major factors to this story along with the two families dispute over a very old argument that has been happening for hundreds of years, there isnt a blatant offender but I will attempt to come to a conclusion of who I think was responsible for these tragedies.The friar is like Romeos father as well as being his best friend, He some how always manages to help Romeo out with his problems and questions about his life, and appears to be a very wise character, although one day when Romeo decides he is in love, the friar has something to say, be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift; Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift. The Friar is a very religious man and he is therefore put high up on the great chain of bein g which is a scale on which we place characters to find out how close they are to heaven and hell, this is therefore the reason for the friar being high up.Although once Romeo finds out about what family Juliet comes from, he is heart broken, he doesnt know what to do and even threatens to commit suicide, this puts the friar in a very difficult position and In the this case you cant help but feel sorry for the friar as he is faced with such a difficult question, and he knows that if whatever he does it wont be a good out come for both of them. Just from reading parts of the friars speech you can immediately tell he is a very intelligent and well spoken man, as he speaks in verse, two kinds in fact, for the part where he will be talking to himself he will be mostly talking in rhyming verse, The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Checkring the eastern clouds with streaks of light Which shows he also very poetic in the way he speaks, whereas when he is talking to other people he tends to speak in non rhyming verse Thy love did read by rote that could not spell. But come, young waverer, come go with me.The nurse however is a rather uneducated and unmannered person, as she wants to see Juliet get married for the selfish reason of not wanting to die before she does get married and she doesnt actually seem to care that much about who Juliet marries just so long as she does, Juliet however has a very high opinion of marriage and doesnt believe shes worth the honour of marriage it is an honour I dream not of. Where as the nurse treats it in a completely different way, An honour!Were not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from thy teat. Which is a rather inappropriate thing to say about a girl aged thirteen, She also seems to treat Juliet like her own daughter instead of her very rich employers daughter, tis since the earthquake now eleven years, and she was weaned-I shall never forget it. The nurse also seems to have a fairly casual view towards sexuality and sexual jokes, as she says once juliets older she will fallst upon thy face? Thou wilt fall backward when thou comest to age, wilt thou not Jule?The nurse comes across as a very loud, earthly and uneducated women, you can tell shes uneducated as she speaks in prose most of the time Ill lay fourteen of my teeth and yet, to my teen be it spoken, I have but four shes not fourteen. How long is it now to Lammas-tide?We find that the Friar and the Nurse are used well to move the plot of the play forward. They constantly rush everything in the play which adds excitement and curiosity to the play. They also seem to be the two who want everything to move along quickly without hesitations.Shakespeare gives the play a lot of themes, and he explores these themes very well, for example, there is the class theme involved like the difference between the nurse and the friar and yet they have the same sort of relationship and the same sort of friendship with Romeo and Juliet. Another theme that is explored very well is Love as throughout Romeo and Juliet have very strong feelings for each other. There are also the themes of regret, sadness and sorrow as the friar regrets a lot of the decisions hes made about marrying Romeo and Juliet.I would say that the main theme of the play is the rushing of it all, everything that takes place in this play happens over a very short amount of time and this is a very rushed and paced play, as you have the friar wanting to rush it along to see the outcome to whether or not he is found guilty of what he is doing Saint Francis be my speed! How oft tonight have my old feet stumbled at graves! it looks as if he saying that he is tripping up on death. Surely this would mean that he must not rush matters such as these and you can tell that something bad will eventually happen.During this play there are many instances of hard acting, which is scenes that require a lot of thought to get right when being acted out, Theres the fa mous balcony moment between Romeo and Juliet which would also be difficult to act out and perform this scene would be difficult as the two characters are on different platforms and in a play that would be hard to rein act as they would have to make the view point just right in order for it to be done correctly.The scene when theyre in the grave yard, and all of the people rush into the family tomb that would also be hard to act out theyd have to have a wall where you can only see it from front on to show some separation.During the play you do gain lots and lots of conclusions and opinions as to who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. You end up asking yourself many questions as to who you think is responsible. This is a particularly odd play, but at the start it actually tells you what is going to happen although even though you know what is going to happen, it keeps you reading on as you must find out how it happened and what caused it, this is why I believe this is suc h a good book as it is one where you want to find out what happens.If I were asked to put the ones who take the blame in order I would have the families of Romeo and Juliet at number four, as had they not been sworn enemies Romeo and Juliet could have been married and lived in peace, at number three I would blame the Nurse for getting so deeply involved and manipulating the life of Juliet, for example she was so eager to have Juliet married the nurse didnt actually seem to mind that the boy that Juliet wanted to marry was from a family of which they were sworn enemies. At number two I would have placed the friar as I believe that he is one of the main culprits as he Is the one that made the decision of marrying the couple.Although at number one I would have put Romeo and Juliet as they were the ones that should have known that they couldnt have had anything to with each other, but for the reason of love they still got involved with each other, this is why I believe they are the main reason for their deaths because they knew what they were doing was wrong but they still did it. Another reason for these two being the main reasons was because throughout at different times they were both very immature about the matter at hand, Romeo for example threatening to commit suicide at the thought of not being able to be with Juliet, all in all I believe these teenagers were very selfish about what they wanted and seemed to have no consideration for what effect these actions would have on others.Overall I found the play very interesting and constantly kept me interested, I would definitely recommend this to people, the only problem I had with the play was it being written in old English which I had trouble to understand, but after a while I did get the hang of it and it began to make more sense, in all a very deep and meaningful play. Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Paper Romeo and Juliet Paper Widdicome says that in order for a play to be considered a tragedy that it must have certain characteristics. Romeo and Juliet have most of these if not all though some are harder to find in the play. Thefirst one that Widdicome mentions is that is must to multigeneric. Romeo and Juliet is a blend of comedy and tragedy. This is seen in the character of the nurse for the comedy side of the play and the tragedy is the seen in the death of Romeo and Juliet. The next on that Widdicome talks about is that the play has interwoven multiple plots. Two plots that come to mind are the fighting between the Montagues and the Capulet. Another is the love interest of Paris toward Juliet. A third would be the hate between Tybalt and Benvolio which bring us to Romeo killing Tybalt and being exiled.The next is they trace the lives of important people from a state of comfort and security to despair and dissolution. This one is a little harder to see in the play then others but one area would be the fathers and mothers of Romeo and Juliet who go from be happy and having all they want to losing there children. The next one is the struggle between, and full self-realization and the acquiescence to social norms this can be see in the love between Romeo and Juliet because they are form feuding families there love for each other is forbidden. The social norm would be Pariss love for Juliet and that she should marry him to follow the social norms of their society. That next one that appears in Romeo and Juliet is it presents a vision of stoicism in the face of suffering and failure. This is seen in Romeo and Juliet in the prologue were it says a pair of star-crossed lovers take their lives we know that before the play starts that they are going to die. They do their best to endure this fate with the plan that they come up with to run away but still end up dying. Romeo And JUliet Essays Romeo And JUliet Paper Romeo And JUliet Paper Why do Mercutios teasing speeches not bother Romeo? As the notes suggest, ll. 23-30 are a series of sexual puns comparing magic conjuration with sexual intercourse. This is the famous Balcony Scene, one of the most renowned in all of Shakespeare. But because of its romantic associations it is often misunderstood. Romeos passion for Juliet is unambiguously erotic. To Elizabethans sexual desire was not antithetical to romance; it was the essence of romance. In calling for the triumph of the sun over the moon, Romeo is hoping she will not remain a virgin much longer. Women who prolonged their virginity excessively were thought to suffer from green-sickness, a malady which could only be cured by healthy lovemaking. Thus the entire opening to this scene is devoted to Romeos fevered desire that she will make love with him. Despite his passion, he is shy enough, and polite enough, not to simply burst in upon her. It is the tension between his overwhelming desire and his reticence that show s how much he truly loves her. The comparison of a womans eyes to bright stars was a commonplace, but Shakespeare makes it new by elaborating it in a dazzling series of lines dwelling on the luminosity of Juliets beauty. In what way does he say her eyes are brighter than stars? Note the physically intimate image of ll. 24-25. Any poet could call his lady angelic; Shakespeare composes a mini-poem on the theme in ll. 26-32. Pay particular attention to the note on l. 33, which is consistently misinterpreted and even misquoted by people unfamiliar with Elizabethan usage. Note that it is Juliet who is thinking through the consequences of their love more systematically and practically than is Romeo. Does this make her less romantic than he? Explain your answer. Note that it is a series of coincidences which moves this affair along so quickly without Juliet being portrayed as shameless. How does Juliets speech at ll Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet Paper Romeo and Juliet Paper I think the main turning point in this scene is Romeo reading the letter (invitation) from the illiterate servant, Shakespeare makes this scene fit perfectly in the play by getting the party in where Romeo and Juliet first meet. The thing that stimulates Romeo to attend the party is the invitation, which had Rosalines name on it. Earlier Romeo was talking about her with Benvolio and said that he was madly in love with her. Not mad, but bound more then a madman is (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 50 -55).Capulet and Paris are in the middle of a conversation, Capulet says that he and Montague had become old and should stop the ongoing family rivalry. Paris asks for Juliets hand in marriage. Capulet indirectly approves the proposal but asks for two summers (two years) to pass because Juliet is still young. My child is still a stranger to the world, she hath not seen the change of fourteen years (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 5 -10).In lines 32 33 Capulet gives similar advice that Benvolio gave to Romeo, h e asks Paris to look at other lades and compare them with Juliet. Capulet shows that he is a very loving father who is concerned about Juliets future and well being (letting her chose who she marries) but we see a very different approach later in the play. In this scene Capulet express more love for Juliet when he states, Earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 10 -15). This might mean that Capulet had other children that had died.After reading the letter and the strong urge from Benvolio, Romeo decides to go to the party (in the next scene). Different events unfold step by step, some of which are predictable while others come as an extensive surprise. The audience get an ounce of an idea that Romeo is going to meet Juliet at the party.The feeling of risks, guilt and suspense begins to creep in this scene; there was a street fight at the beginning of the play, but that was quite ordinary due to the ongoing family feud. This scene changes the whole plot of th e story because if Romeo had never read the invitation then he wouldnt have attended the party. The heart of the drama is the conflict between the two families and the love between Romeo and Juliet.Both Romeo and Juliet have to conquer a mental war; desire versus responsibility. For Romeo who is an adventurous and emotional young man, who is also quite immature at the beginning of the play, his desire overcame his responsibility. He is vastly unpredictable because at the beginning of the play it seems that he is madly in love with Rosaline and he wont give her up, but later we find out that he looses all his feelings towards her when he meets Juliet.I think he was quite irresponsible when he didnt have a second thought towards Juliet, he should have thought about all the complications and the consequence. Later in the play Romeo takes some responsibility when he tried to make peace with Tybalt. He took great risks and truly loved Juliet. He is also quite emotional, and a little bit softhearted looking for the easy way out when he thought he lost Juliet.Likewise Juliet who is very young (less then fourteen years) is a very obedient and conventional upper class daughter and is loyal to the father. When she falls in love with Romeo she dramatically changes. She begins to show a very practical side to her character and proves to be very determined and independent minded. She is intelligent and perceptive, possibly more so then Romeo. She is utterly loyal to Romeo and defies the whole world for him. She easily could have chose Paris was a gentleman but stayed loyal. She is prepared to risk taking a very dangerous drug to fake her death so that she could be with Romeo. She accepts death willingly when fate had turned against both of them at the end.This scene creates the whole plot and storyline in the play. The scene also creates many problems and opens a path for further things to come. For example the indirect approval of Paris offer to marry Juliet creates a mas sive problem for Romeo, Juliet and especially Friar Lawrence. The party hosted by Capulet is where Romeo and Juliet met.In the earlier scene Romeo was expressing his love for Rosaline, which was the sheer reason of him attending the party. In the next scene when he attends the party, he briefly meets Juliet and each of them learn of each others love and identity.Id say there are three main parts in this scene:; The conversation between Capulet and Paris; When the servant is wondering what to do with the letter; When Benvolio and Romeo are talking to each otherHowever it is possible to break these scenes down to smaller parts.At the beginning of the scene Capulet admits that he is willing to keep peace. For men so old as we to keep the peace (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 1-5).Capulet and Paris enter in the middle of a conversation where they were discussing the peace. After some time in the conversation Paris starts to flatter Capulet with his speech and asks for Juliets hand in marriage. Bu t now my lord what do you say to my suit (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 5 -10).Capulet replies by saying that Juliet is too young to get married and still is a stranger to this world; he is also replying Paris for the second time. But saying oer what I have said before (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 10 -15).After getting an indirect acceptance of his proposal from Capulet, Paris still requests that the time is right. Younger then she are happier mothers made (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 5 -10).Capulet still believes that Juliet is too young to get married and renews his thoughts to Paris. Capulet invites Paris to a feast saying that there will be many attractive women and he should compare them to Juliet. Paris is very keen to marry Juliet and on the other hand Juliet is totally against the idea (after meeting Romeo). She is not willing to exchange Romeo for Paris who is a well-respected Gentleman.I think Juliet is too young to even think about getting married. Although in the olden days girls probably used to get married younger; thirteen years is far too young to make the kind of decisions she made. She took many risks and followed her heart. At this age, one would assume she would give up one passion (Romeo) for another (Paris) but she didnt. Before here meeting with Romeo she seemed to be a very obedient daughter, but later all this changed dramatically.Capulet suggests that old men are better to keep the peace than young men and better to keep their tempers then young men. And in act this proves to be largely true. It is young men who lose their tempers and get involved in stupid fights. However it is also true that Capulet and lady Capulet show them selves of keeping their tempers with Juliet.Shakesphire shows the issue of behaving moderately more concerned with old people who can behave responsibly, where as young people are to challengeable and passionate.Friar Lawrence is constantly arguing immoderate passions but without success.In Romeo and Juliet the parents dont come out as responsible people, especially Juliets parents, who are more concerned with social success, prestigious marriage for their daughter, then they are in making them happy. At the beginning of the scene it seems that Capulet is a very carrying and considerate father who will let Juliet decide who she will marry, but we find out differently later in the play. I think Juliet has the right to decide whom she gets married to. Capulet tells Paris that his agreement will only be a part of the decision for Paris to marry Juliet, and that Juliet will have to also agree.Capulet plays a larger role then Montague in the play. He is shown to be very understanding but as a matter of fact is quite aggressive, especially towards Juliet near the end of the play.The characters that participate in this scene are Capulet, an unpredictable father; Paris, a smart gentleman who wants Juliets hand in marriage; Capulets servant who is illiterate and not very cleaver (he muddles his words up); Romeo, an adve ntures young man and Benvolio his friend.I think the impression we got from this scene was misleading because Capulet is shown to be calm and considerate but we learn otherwise and Romeo seem to be very irresponsible and quite straight forward but isnt.The characters that are at the heart of the scene are Capulet, Paris and Romeo. Capulet and Paris do most of the gossip while Romeo shares his feelings with Benvolio. The servant played quite an important role because if Romeo didnt read the invitations then the story could not have proceeded.Although Juliet does not participate in this scene she is greatly the main subject of speech between Capulet and Paris. When we discover that Romeo is going to attend the party we have a suspicion that Romeo will meet Juliet.I think every main character is affected by the events of this scene.Romeo Door opens to meet Juliet, gets banished and commits suicide.Juliet Door opens to meet Romeo, rejects proposal from Paris and commits suicide.Capule t looses loyalty from his daughter, gets aggressive, makes peace with Montague.Montague Looses his son and makes peace with Capulet.Tybalt Fights with Romeo and gets killed.Paris doesnt marry Juliet and gets killed.Friar Lawrence gives drug to Juliet, explained what happened.There are not many arguments in this scene; Paris is flattering Capulet in order to gain approval of his proposal to Juliet. Romeo and Benvolio are talking to each other like normal friends.This scene shows that Romeo is a normal young man who is madly in love, he uses many metaphors in his speech such as, Not mad, but bound more than a madman is (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 50 -55). Romeo is quite adventures and not as hard hearted as most of the characters. Romeo is shown to be a very irresponsible person but that dramatically changes in the play. We learn just how much he loves Rosaline, even though we learn later that his love for Rosaline is very shallow. This can cause a doubt over the extant of Romeos love for Juliet, but I think his love for Juliet is as deep as he claims it to be because he dies for her at the end.Some conflicts can be resolved. When Romeo refused to fight Tybalt he thought he had a solution to the problem, he accepted looking like a coward. However his solution didnt work; instead he later ended up killing Tybalt due to the fact that Tybalt killed his friend Mercutio.An underlying problem, Romeo and Juliet are trying to live in an idealistic way in a society, which is not idealistic at all. They are practicing love in a society, which is full of hate. They are Romantic in a cynical society, which is focused on wealth and sex.We get to know the characters by their speech, especially Paris. Paris is shown to be a smart person who is very intelligent and persuasive. However unlike Paris, Romeo is shown to be a person who is not concerned in worldly matters except love. His metaphors are not connected with each other. Benvolio is a good friend to Romeo who gives him ad vice; he also cares for his well-being.Romeo talks in contradictions, for example when discussing love with Benvolio he says, not mad, but bound more then a madman is: shut up in prison, kept without my food, whipped and tormented. (Act 1 Scene 2, lines 50 -55).The image of stars; Capulet talks about stars walking the earth, what he means is that women walking around as beautiful stars. Shakesphire uses the image of stars quite often. Later, when Romeo is desperate thinking Juliet has died, he defies the stars, but this time the stars mean something quite different. When he is defying the stars, he is defying the heavens, which in those days was thought of as the place where God lived, and so he is really defying God.Capulet uses some figures of speeches, which are rather typical of shakesphires writing when he makes comments about all his other children that are dead and have been buried.In Act 1 Scene 1 the immediate thing that happened leading up to the scene was Romeo and Benvol io talking about Romeos love. This scene (Act 1 Scene 2) sets up the whole storyline in the play and makes other events unfold in due time (e.g. the party).I think Juliets Parents are trying to do what they think is best for her. If there had not been a family conflict then they would possibly have had no problem with Juliet meeting Romeo; except maybe for the issue of age. Juliet is motivated and very determined to follow her inexperienced heart.I conclude by saying that this scene is one of the most important scene in the play. It changes the whole flow of the story changing everything, creating dilemmas and causing characters to take desperate risks.

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