Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Success Rate Of An Alcohol Treatment Center - 918 Words

If you re thinking of attending an alcohol treatment center, you re probably concerned about success rates. After all, you don t want to invest your hard earned money into something that may not work. Thankfully, alcohol treatment centers have been shown to be a successful way for most people to quit drinking forever. And there are multiple things you can do to increase your chances of obtaining the sobriety you want and deserve. The Success Rate of A Typical Center Assessing the success rate of an alcohol treatment center is relatively difficult, because there are so many centers throughout the country. However, there are multiple sources that indicate a generalized success rate. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous did a survey of people in its group who have finished rehabilitation treatment and found that 35% of its members were sober for more than five years. That is a success rate of just over a third and that s only for one organization. Alcoholics Anonymous utilizes the 12-Step program, which is a common guideline throughout most alcohol treatment centers. However, treatment centers also utilize a variety of other treatment options that are designed to help you physically, emotionally, and psychologically overcome your addiction. Each step in this process is likely to add at least a 10% increase in your chance of success. For example, if you receive dietary guidance to overcome malnutrition after suffering from alcoholism, you re going to feel stronger andShow MoreRelatedThe Drug Rehab Of Utah1454 Words   |  6 Pagesidea to narrow down the search by inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. Many people find it helpful to speak with someone in the addiction rehabilitation profession; such as an intake counselor, to determine which type of program will be the best fit. Important factors to consider when making this decision are: †¢ Is the addicted person willing or able to move into a treatment facility? 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